Saturday, 29 June 2013

Naruto Shippudan 319.The soul living inside the puppet.

             Well Well Well, Look who's back guys. It's Grandma Chiyo .

 Naruto has done it again. Here is one of those episodes which they bring back the history of dead characters. This time is Sasori .

Aww ain't that sweet

 Grand ma chiyo vs Kankuro
And just when I thought Chiyo's going to the light without regrets...

Great to see that you still have your sense of humor even when you're dead Grandma Chiyo.

Naruto excels at creating connection between the audience and their individual characters and that's
what makes this Ninja show so popular. It's not the fights or the skills (well maybe) but it's those little details
of every character which makes the audience coming back for more.Naruto's world is in 3D. All supporting characters are complex and not just simple stick man. They have feelings , families and lives which makes
them so believable! 

Naruto used to showcase these through flash backs and fights but I bet it is the most effective during 
reanimation jutsu. That's what makes this Ninja War arc so awesome. 

Overall I rate this episode 7/10

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