Saturday 29 June 2013

First Post!

Dear readers,
               I am an inexperienced blogger. Not just particularly on Anime blogging but on everything concerning anime. What drives to become an Anime blogger is that I am an Otaku. I watch anime on every Friday night. I will update this blog every saturday night.(singapore time)

                 It all started out when I was 11 , Channel 5 would show 4 anime episodes every week on Thursdays and Fridays. They used to be my reasons for staying up late because they were show at 11 to 12. I became hooked to Toradora and Samurai Deeper Kyo

                I became hooked to Toradora and Samurai Deeper Kyo so much I wouldn't miss it every single week. Then when Toradora ended. I knew I had to explore this unknown Japanese Cartoon but not so cartoon world of Anime. I am not those hardcore Otaku who watches every single episodes of every single anime. I am rather picky and below is the list of animes I've watched. Some I dropped them halfway but most I have completed.

*in an order to which comes to my mind first*
3.Samurai Depper Ko
4.Skip Beat
6.Naruto Shippudan
8.Full metal alchemist
10.School Rumble
11.Hunter x Hunter
12.Ore no Imōto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai
13.The world god only knows.
14.Kami no puzzle(Phi brain)

              Thats all I could remember so far I will probably update this list sooner or later for now. Welcome to my blog and enjoy your stay here.                

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