Sunday 30 June 2013

Hataraku Maou-sama 13

This episode began with an unexpected little twist which got me off guard. The news of Maou-san suddenly returning back to Ente Island! My initial thought was Wow this anime is ending here? My thought bubble bursted instantly when Chiyo woke up showing this was only a dream. This short teaser could have been an ending for this anime but after this, I can say this ending has been eliminated unless the directors are stupid.

Honestly guys , I think that Hatraku Maou-sama have alot of potential to succeed but it's ashame the episodes are just random and the story line barely present. When I saw episode one, the moment when Emi met Maou, I had high hopes for this one. I thought it would develop into an impossible romantic comedy between these two lovers from totally different worlds. That is why , dispite Chiyo's sexy boobs , I hate her for being a meddling little prick.

Episode 13 is not much. It's those comedy episodes of this series which does not really make you laugh. The only thing new is this shady character.

From the looks of his bring red hair , flash purple pupils and those caterpillar eye-brows, he's bound to be back.I bet he's a demon. 

Yup. Definitely, a demon. 

         The episode actually ended off with Emi blushing after returning Maou an umbrella she borrowed at the
    beginning of the series. The entire series had been wasting time adding new characters and running around  
    in random circles with no particular romance. Is this a sign of a turn around ? Had Emi actually fallen for 
   Maou ? Will this anime develop into a great comedy romance after 13 episodes? 
                                                   Well... We just go to look out.

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